horrorshow 0.5.8

a templating library written in rust macros


Build Status

A macro-based html templating library (1.0 compatible).

Documentation: https://stebalien.github.io/horrorshow-rs/horrorshow/


extern crate horrorshow;
use horrorshow::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let actual = html! {
        html {
            head {
                title { : "Hello world!" }
            body {
                // attributes
                h1(id="heading") {
                    // Insert escaped text
                    : "Hello! This is <html />"
                p {
                    // Insert raw text (unescaped)
                    : raw!("Let's <i>count</i> to 10!")
                ol(id="count") {
                    // You can embed for loops, while loops, and if statements.
                    @ for i in 0..10 {
                        li(first? = (i == 0)) {
                            // Format some text.
                            : format_args!("{}", i+1)
                // You need semi-colons for tags without children.
                br; br;
                p {
                    // You can also embed closures.
                    |tmpl| {
                        tmpl << "Easy!";

    let expected = "\
        <title>Hello world!</title>\
        <h1 id=\"heading\">Hello! This is &lt;html /&gt;</h1>\
        <p>Let's <i>count</i> to 10!</p>\
        <ol id=\"count\">\
          <li first>1</li>\
        <br /><br />\
    assert_eq!(expected, actual);